How we work with teachers
Trainer with local teachers

We work with English language teachers in primary and secondary schools nationwide and run teacher training courses to improve their English language, teaching skills and knowledge. We also help teachers develop materials in many subject areas. We work with both trainee and experienced teachers, English teachers and teachers who teach their subjects in English.

See an example case study of how we work with teachers

Teacher Roadshows

Partner Grant funded
Length One to two day roadshows, at least four times a year
Scale 200 English teachers per roadshow

 About the project

Since 2006 we have delivered weekend Teacher Roadshows in Sri Lanka. The roadshows have been on a variety of topics including Encouraging Speaking in the Classroom and Games for the Language Classroom. Some topics have complimented local events, such as the ‘Teaching Literature in the Classroom’ roadshow which invited authors attending the Galle Literary Festival to talk to the roadshow teachers. We also run roadshows at English teacher training colleges in Sri Lanka and most recently at Pasdunrata National College of Education for first year trainees. The Roadshows have been grant-funded and supported by the Ministry of Education.

Course content

The schedule and content is designed by a team of teachers tasked with developing participant and trainer materials on the topic of an individual roadshow. These are piloted, then packaged into a booklet and made available for the participants at the roadshow. 

Course delivery

The roadshows are full of energy and created by a team of British Council teachers and local freelance teachers. They are organised in association with the Regional English Support Centres and the Zonal Education offices round the country. The team run parallel sessions throughout the day, so as many teachers as possible can attend the sessions.

Reviews of the Teacher Roadshows

One of the trainers commented, 'It’s great to get out and meet local teachers who are always so enthusiastic and it also gives me a good chance to develop my skills as a trainer.'

One of the teachers commented: 'Implement this programme to all corners of Sri lanka especially rural areas.'

Another teacher commented: 'I think all teachers of English should be trained like this in the future.'