C & C
Monday 22 October 2018
14:00 to 17:00
British Council Colombo Library

Consent & Complicity created by Mind Adventures Theatre Company.
Supported by British Council Voices & Choices grant scheme.

A forum theatre performance and moderated session aimed at highlighting the issue of online bullying. The audience works with the actors to find a resolution for the problem presented in the play. Audience members aged 21 and below will be asked to participate anonymously in 2 questionnaires. Your answers will be used to generate data and statistics in the field of personal health and safety.

Please fill in the registration forms and sign up for the event. If you are under 18 and will not be accompanied by your parent to the event, please download the consent form from below, get it filled by your parent and bring it to the event. Those who come without the form will be not allowed to attend. 

Registration form for persons under 18
Registration form for persons age 18 and above

Once you have completed the registration, please take a few minutes and complete the survey below. 


*Please be advised that the content of this performance covers some sensitive themes and could be upsetting to some audience members. 

Call us on 011 7521 521 if you need further clarification. 

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General events, Library