Students reading a book together
Wednesday 21 May 2014 00:00 to Wednesday 18 June 2014 00:00
British Council Colombo

This workshop will help you to improve your speaking skills with a fun aspect. These interactive and fun workshops are led by British Council teachers and is open to British Council students (16+) and library members. Dates and times are as follows:

Dates Lower level Higher level
21 May  11.00 a.m. to 12 00 p.m.  12 00 p.m. to 13 00 p.m.
28 May 11.00 a.m. to 12 00 p.m.  12 00 p.m. to 13 00 p.m.
4 June 11.00 a.m. to 12 00 p.m.  12 00 p.m. to 13 00 p.m.
11 June 11.00 a.m. to 12 00 p.m.  12 00 p.m. to 13 00 p.m.
18 June 11.00 a.m. to 12 00 p.m.  12 00 p.m. to 13 00 p.m.

To register please contact the English Learning Zone (ELZ) at the British Council Library