Monday 14 March 2016
00:01 to 23:59

This contest is affiliated to the European Tree of the Year contest, a continent wide competition run successfully for several years with a focus on starting and enhancing a conversation between citizens on the importance of protecting trees and their importance to preserving European biodiversity.

 For the FIRST TIME in Asia, an affiliated competition is to take place, and serves as a precursor to the eventual commissioning of the Asian Tree of the Year competition.  The Sri  Lankan Tree of the Year

Sri Lanka is at a crucial cross roads in its development, having to balance the need for industrial growth and economic progress while maintaining crucial aspects of social and environmental sustainability. At this juncture creating and enhancing a nation wide conversation on the importance of recognizing and protecting  our vial trees is more important than ever.

The competition is open to all schools in the country with each entry being made by a student organization or club on behalf of the school.

What do you need to do? Tell a story; tell us and demonstrate about how passionately you feel about a specific tree. 

Register here: