Candidates sometimes don’t get the results that they hoped for. If this happens to you, try not to worry too much. Your results may still open up many different exciting opportunities for your further education and future career. 

However, in some cases, you may want to consider re-marking or retakes – for example, if your teacher predicted a much higher grade. 

Retake an exam

If you or your teachers think that you could achieve better grades, you can choose to re-take your exam. 

What is a retake?

  • For Cambridge assessment international education examinations:
    Cambridge assessment international education board considers a syllabus as a retake if you have sat the same syllabus in the same calendar year.
  • For Pearson Edexcel Exams:
    Please submit your application during the registration period of the next exams series. IALs students can re-sit each unit once before certification.   

What you need to do

  • Cambridge International Examinations:
    If you are a school student you need to speak to your school exams co-ordinator. If you are a private student, please apply online through the application form:

Note: the retake option may not apply to all subjects. You can usually submit previously used coursework so you will only need to retake written exams. Any coursework that is resubmitted needs to meet the requirements of the syllabus in the new exam series and must be re-assessed.

  • Pearson Edexcel Exams:
    If you are a school student you need to speak to your school exams co-ordinator. If you are a private student you need to submit your application quoting your unique candidate identifier (UCI).

Post Results Checks and Appeal Services

Post Result Checks and Appeals deadlines and applicable fees are published under "Getting your exam results".  

Note: Your grade(s) and/or mark(s) may be lowered, confirmed or raised following the enquiry. 

Enquiries About Results (EAR) for Cambridge private candidates

Cambridge private candidates who register for exams directly through the British Council can now apply for Enquiries About Results (EAR) through the British Council’s School Registration System (SRS). This new and easy-to-use feature will enable candidates to make payments instantly when applying for the service through the online system.

Read the EAR guide to find more information.