Climate Change Challenge
Climate Change Challenge

The UK hosted the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26 - in Glasgow on 31 October – 12 November 2021. Through #TheClimateConnection, we are bringing young people around the world together to address climate change. Discover how we can tackle climate change together.

Change can only happen when more young people are actively involved to collaborate and innovate across borders and generations.  In this way we can inspire others to make a difference and ensure COP is the most inclusive ever creating role models. As part of the global climate change movement, the British Council in partnership with the Ministry of Education and with the support of the Climate Change Secretariat of the Ministry of the Environment is launching a climate connection challenge for schools islandwide.

#Togetherforourplanet and for a better future.    


The objectives of this challenge are 5-fold

  1. To support the larger climate change agenda
  2. To provide a bank of easily accessible educational digital resources on climate change to schools
  3. To encourage the exploration of the topic of climate change in all subject areas in schools
  4. To encourage creativity, innovation and communication in the classroom by providing a project-based learning approach to the topic
  5. To provide a platform to showcase best practice in schools in climate change in Sri Lanka to be viewed nationally and internationally

What is the challenge?

In the interactive resource pictured below are 20 challenges connected to climate change for schools. Each icon links to online educational resources to help children of all ages explore the topic. The challenge to school classes is to choose an area of climate change they want to explore, set a challenge, and demonstrate how they have met/will meet it. This could be an idea from the resource or it could be something chosen by the class. From this class project, the teacher and students present their work in a digital format. This is submitted for evaluation.

Who can enter:

  • all schools islandwide can take part – more than one class in a school can take part
  • all classes can take part but the submission must be in English
  • all classes from Grades 3 to 9; there will be two categories: grades 3-5; grades 6-9
  • all students in the class are expected to participate and contribute to the class project

What do you submit:

  • A class entry will comprise a collection of evidence of the challenge taken, presented together in a digital poster or brochure
  • Details of the school, teacher and class
  • Template can be downloaded from the website

Criteria used to evaluate the projects

  • Innovation and creativity
  • Quality of evidence
  • Participation across the class
  • Relevance to Sri Lanka climate change context
  • Presentation
  • Clarity of communication

Who judges the submissions:

The submissions will be judged by a panel of representatives from the British Council, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of the Environment.

How do you submit

  • The teacher will download a digital template for their class
  • Students and teacher will complete the digital template
  • The teacher will upload the completed digital document to the link on the website
  • The deadline for submission is January 29 2022

Suggested Procedure for Teachers

  • The class selects one of the challenges proposed in the Climate Change Challenge resource (this is interactive and can be accessed here[DL(L1] ) or a related one
  • The class plan and implement their challenge
  • The class provide evidence of challenge implementation and/or completion.  Depending on the challenge taken, evidence can be photos or a piece of writing
  • The class write a title and short description of their evidence
  • The class submit evidence to their teachers
  • Teachers collate student submissions using one of the templates provided  
  • Teachers submit the completed digital document as a class project

Award Ceremony

Winners will be invited to an awards ceremony hosted by the British Council, the Ministry of Education and the Climate Change Secretariat of the Ministry of the Environment where their submissions will be showcased to a national audience.  All accepted submissions will receive a certificate of participation.

Still have questions? Feel free to email us at


External links