stop child exploitation

ijacky / 123RF Stock Photo

Saturday 02 December 2017
11:30 to 13:00
The Grass

Cyber exploitation and violence (CEV) is when someone is bullied, blackmailed, threatened, discriminated, and/or coerced, online. This includes the non-consensual distribution or publication of intimate photos or videos online, as well as any other material via memes and edited images. Terms such as Revenge Porn, Girlfriend Porn, Collecting and Exchanging Nudes, Slut Shaming, Sexploitation, may also be forms of CEV. There is also an emerging concern around the burgeoning girlfriend/amateur pornography industry, and how victims of CEV are ending up on porn sites and subsequently shared on whatsapp groups, including school classes, sports and society groups. The session will also cover how to most sensibly prevent and report CEV in Sri Lanka.  

For parents, teachers, and concerned adults 

Language: Sinhala

Age suitability: Adults only (18+)

Delivered by Hans Billimoria – Director of The Grassrooted Trust 

About the workshop facilitators

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The Grassrooted Trust

The Grassrooted Trust

The Grassrooted Trust works in sexual and reproductive health education. This includes HIV, gender and drug use. Grassrooted also works with survivors of gender-based and intimate partner violence, including those victimised online. Grassrooted is an advocate of age-appropriate relationship education in schools, based on the fundamentals of respect for self, other and difference. 

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Workshop, Saturday, Sinhala, Adults only (18+)
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