The shift towards an environmentally sustainable and inclusive world is critical not only for responding to the global climate crisis but also for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) contribute a substantial portion of the gross domestic product (GDP) in both developed and developing countries. Therefore, they can play a big role in transforming an economy to a greener and more inclusive one through effecting change in their businesses that are greener and inclusive.

Through the Youth Led Green and Inclusive Businesses (YLGIB) project, British Council intends to harness the enthusiasm, passion, and energy of a cohort of young entrepreneurs in Sri Lanka to be role models in green and inclusive transitions in SMEs and thereby inspire others to work towards a more sustainable future.

The British Council works in partnership with local implementing partners, Green Movement of Sri Lanka and Lanka Social Ventures Ltd, drawing on UK and local expertise, strengthening existing networks and sharing knowledge to ensure maximum impact for the beneficiaries. YLGIB will enable and empower 30 young entrepreneurs to transition their businesses into environmentally responsible and socially inclusive enterprises, fostering a future where economic growth aligns with environmental stewardship and social equity.

Project objective

The main objective of the project is to provide the knowledge, skills, resources, and networks to young entrepreneurs to transform their existing businesses into more greener and inclusive businesses.

Expected outcomes

1. Young entrepreneurs in Sri Lanka have the capacity and attitudes to lead their enterprises to adopt green and inclusive business practices.

2. A community of practice for young green entrepreneurs established for peer learning and advocate for common causes.

3. Relationships fostered between the young entrepreneurs, British Council, partner organisations and other stakeholders.