Call for Nominations – Capacity-Building Workshop on Quality Assurance in Transnational Education (TNE) 

We are pleased to announce a much-awaited capacity-building workshop on Quality Assurance in Transnational Education (TNE), organized in collaboration with the UK Quality Assurance Agency (QAA). This will be the first in a series of workshops, designed not only to raise awareness but also to facilitate a two-way exchange, allowing the resource person to gain insights into existing quality assurance practices in Sri Lanka’s TNE institutions.

The workshop will be held in person in Colombo in March 2025, providing a valuable opportunity for institutions to enhance their understanding and application of global best practices in quality assurance.

Why This Workshop?

The rapid growth of TNE in Sri Lanka presents opportunities for significant advancements in educational outcomes. However, challenges remain in areas such as governance, regulatory frameworks, and quality assurance mechanisms. To address these challenges, this workshop aims to empower stakeholders with the knowledge and tools to ensure academic excellence, robust governance, and impactful student outcomes.

Workshop Content Overview

The workshop will focus on:

  • Drivers of Quality in Higher Education: Understanding the “why,” “how,” and “for whom.”
  • Governance and Responsibilities in TNE Collaborative Partnerships.
  • Processes, Mechanisms, and Approaches to QA Across the Student Journey, including:
  1. Recruitment and admissions – integrity, monitoring, and data
  2. Course design and development
  3. Teaching, learning, and assessment – contextualization and delivery
  4. The student voice – feedback and engagement
  5. Student support – welfare, inclusivity, and success pathways
  6. Employability and employer involvement
  7. Annual monitoring and review – maintaining quality and accountability
  8. Complaints and appeals – ensuring fairness and transparency

Case Studies: Highlighting good practices from successful TNE partnerships

Target Audience

We invite your institution to nominate one representative at this stage, who may be:

A faculty member or QA officer involved in academic teaching, learning, and quality assurance processes within the TNE sector.

An administrative staff member responsible for academic accreditation and institutional QA.

Due to limited capacity, we can currently accommodate only one participant per institution. If additional spaces become available, we will inform you accordingly.

Why Nominate Your Staff?

Participants will:

  • Gain insights into UK regulatory frameworks and their relevance to the Sri Lankan context.
  • Explore effective QA mechanisms and stakeholder roles across the student journey.
  • Enhance their capacity to implement data-driven decision-making and address emerging challenges in TNE.
  • Engage with international experts and peers to share best practices and innovative solutions.
  • Have the opportunity to participate in the next phase of the British Council’s support for strengthening the TNE sector in Sri Lanka – Training of Trainers Programme.

Nomination Process

Please submit the names and designations of your nominated participants by 05 March 2025 via the registration link.

Additionally, kindly include a brief description of their current roles and responsibilities to ensure alignment with the workshop objectives.

We encourage you to seize this opportunity to strengthen your institution’s quality assurance capabilities and contribute to the long-term credibility and success of TNE in Sri Lanka.