TRANSFORM is British Council Sri Lanka’s overarching education programme, bringing together our work in education, English, higher education, schools and skills. The overarching aim is to contribute to the Government of Sri Lanka’s goals for economic and social development by supporting its education reform programme. Put simply, it’s about making sure young people have access to learning opportunities, provided by a fit-for-purpose and relevant education system, that will allow them to contribute to the country’s development while fulfilling their own potential and achieving their personal aspirations.

So what exactly is being TRANSFORMed?! On the surface, it is the education system. We have clustered our work across 16 sub-projects into result areas:
- Professionalisation, which focuses on individual capacity building of the education cadre and institutional strengthening at all education levels;
- Quality assurance: those aspects of the system which provide the ‘glue’ and contribute to raising standards, such as professional standards, international benchmarking, qualifications framework, inspection, and whole school culture;
- The transition of young people from education to employment, exploring the industry-education link including on careers guidance and skill development.
These results areas are underpinned by the cross-cutting areas of Research, Evaluation and Learning (REL) and Strategic Communications, which will extend beyond the more familiar PR to encompass advocacy work and social marketing targeting the wider public. These projects are being implemented using a mixed funding model, drawing in UK institutional expertise at every available opportunity.
The main aim of TRANSFORM is access to learning opportunities provided by a fit for purpose and relevant education system, allowing young people to contribute to the economic and social development of Sri Lanka while achieving their potential and meeting their personal aspirations.
This project works with Education in the state school sector. The overall objective is enhanced teacher and student performance resulting from the adoption of better quality and integrated pre- and in-service training and continuous professional development practices (by teacher educators, principals, zonal, provincial and central government education officials), operating within integrated frameworks and professional standards systems.