On Friday 10 July 2020, we launched our Improving Teacher Education in Sri Lanka (ITESL) Impact Evaluation report with a webinar bringing in speakers from the field of education.
This recording captures the event. We hope you enjoy watching the presentation of the key findings and recommendations of the report by Dr Deborah Wyburn, an independent consultant in the field of education. This was followed by a panel discussion moderated by Lesley Dick, ELT Projects Manager at the British Council, with panellists Mr Sanath Jayalath, Deputy Director English and Foreign Languages Branch, Ministry of Education and Dr Darshana Samaraweera Deputy Director General Faculty of Languages Humanities and Social Sciences, National Institute of Education. The event rounds off with a selection of comments from stakeholders in the project and a gallery of photographs taken between 2017 and the present to illustrate the work of the project.